HEALTH: We ensure the conditions which our employees can maintain and protect their health.

SECURITY: We believe that with our social awareness, efforts and responsibilities, we can prevent all work accidents, occupational diseases, injuries and casualties.

ENVIRONMENT: We aim to create environmental awareness on our employees, continually increase the interest for economic use of natural resources.



Regarding health, periodical controls are carried out regularly and the most important factor in our activities is “human”.

For this reason, we ensure that our employees are able to start the work in good health and carry out the necessary inspections so that they can go on working at the same time protecting their health.

All of our employees are involved in regular employment and periodic health check ups.

In addition, according to the evaluations of our workplace doctor, we determine and follow the necessary work-specific checks for our employees.

The performance of the employees is monitored and necessary improvements are made in production with the understanding of preventive medicine.

A sufficient number of certified first aiders in the workplace are took place in each division.


Our company fulfills all the environmental compliance obligations, develops and improves the product standards in production, other from legal obligations.

GIMAS, one of the first practitioners of new technologies to reduce waste at its source, is working in accordance with the Ministry’s Approved Competent Companies for waste recycling and disposal.

We recycle our recyclable wastes in separate waste boxes as plastic / metal / paper / glass and return them to recycling companies and we monitor the waste quantities like other wastes.

As following the business hygiene guides, we are taking emissions measurements at periodic intervals, considering that everyone may get affected by the production not only our employees.

In order to provide efficient use of our resources; we follow technological innovations to reduce our energy and water consumption and we apply it to our work.


We manage our activities in accordance with OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

We carry out our activities in a manner that is respectful of the legislation, standards and procedures, respectfully to the society.

In order to keep our security culture at the top level, we perform our exercises periodically according to our “Occupational Health and Safety” trainings and emergency plans by our experienced technical staff, certified specialists and workplace doctors.

We continually improve the preparation of emergency plans, the prevention, protection, evacuation, fire fighting, first aid and other necessary tasks to be carried out safely.


Our company, which integrates the Bare Manufacturing Principles with Work Security, regularly makes monthly 5S evaluations. Besides the periodical controls of the used equipment, continuous maintenance and improvements are planned with the maintenance team. All records in accordance with legal requirements are kept regularly and besides the Annual Training Plans,with unplanned training plans made where necessary employees informed.



GIMAS takes into consideration of Vocational Competence, Management Systems, Production Quality, Work Safety, Health and Environment while preparing the annual training plan and receives support from specialists and companies who organizes unplanned trainings about the topics that are found out as a result of inspections and examinations during the year.

Thanks to the exercises and organized trainings, being one of the leading organizations in industry with its discipline and culture of work security as well as zero work accidents is our main target.