The domestic and national HEPP turbine project, which was started to be produced by Gimas, took place in the national press.
Hydroelectric power plant turbine was developed locally and nationally. The production of the developed and tested turbine was also undertaken by GIMAS in Izmir. Thus, a project in the context of transforming design-R&D into a commercial product, which is often brought to the agenda, has provided commercial tangible output.
The turbine, which is the main unit that produces electricity in hydroelectric power plants for the first time in Turkey, was developed locally and nationally. Moreover, the production of the developed and tested turbine has started. The turbine, which is expected to be completed in a short time, will be installed in the Kepez-1 hydroelectric power plant (HES) in Antalya. As of October 2018, it is aimed that the domestic and national turbine will start generating electricity.
Model turbine design and testing of the turbine developed and produced within the scope of the TÜBİTAK supported MİLHES project was carried out at TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB-ETÜ). Although it varies according to their scale, it costs 400 thousand Euros to have a single turbine tested abroad.
Within the scope of efforts to produce high-tech products locally and nationally in Turkey, success has been achieved in the hydroelectric power plant turbine. For the first time, a turbine of 100 percent domestic production and national design was produced and started to be installed in the power plant. HEPP turbines were either produced under license or imported in Turkey until now. Thus, the "Indigenous Design and Production of Hydroelectric Power Plant Components (MİLHES) Project", which was initiated in 2015 with the support of TÜBİTAK, began to bear fruit. The turbine produced is counting down the days to replace the aging turbine of Kepez-1 HEPP installed on Antalya-Düden Stream for the first time.
In the TÜBİTAK-supported MİLHES project, the model of the turbine to be installed in Kepez-1 was produced at the TOBB ETÜ Water Turbine Design and Test Center (ETÜ Hidro), and the necessary test was carried out to start the production of the main turbine. After the test; All technical drawings and solid models of the turbine, ready for production, were given to the turbine manufacturer. Thus, a national product emerged with public support and university-industry cooperation. The production of the turbine was carried out in Gimas, established in Izmir. TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center designed the generator in the MİLHES project, and TEMSAN made the generator production.
Providing information about MİLHES, the project coordinator at TOBB ETÜ, Faculty of Engineering Faculty Member Selin Aradağ Çelebioğlu, reminded that the development project has a budget of 23 million TL. Reminding that if the developed model is tested abroad, the price to be paid is 400 thousand euros, Çelebioğlu emphasized that this money is not given abroad and the testing and certification is done at TOBB ETÜ Hidro, "There are over 600 registered hydroelectric power plants in Turkey. Some of these are privately owned and some are public. Especially large hydroelectric power plants such as Keban and Karakaya need renewal and rehabilitation for various parts, including turbines. Renovation of each of the large power plants is expected to cost approximately 50 million euros, while the renewal of smaller power plants such as Kepez is expected to cost around 5 million euros. Renewal of only public power plants can reach 250-300 million euros in a rough calculation.
Emphasizing that TOBB ETU Hidro is the world's highest capacity test center with a size of 2MW, he explained that only 30 people work at TOBB ETU within the scope of the project. Kutay Çelebioğlu was responsible for the design and testing of the turbine at TOBB ETU Hidro, and Yiğit Taşçıoğlu was responsible for model production.
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